Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Project 1: Day Without Technology

I chose to do this project last Saturday, seeing that I didn't have any plans set up and didn't have to use my car to go anywhere that day. To me, I thought that by not using any technology, it made my day very limited. I wasn't able to meet up with my friends, because they don't live within walking distance, nor was I able to listen to music and play video games when I was stuck at home. But still it made the day very enjoyable somehow. I didn't do much that day besides eat and walk around a little outside and at home, but it made my day move by so slow and helped me relax. I had a lot of time to think at night as well, because I locked myself upstairs so that my parents didn't have to deal with this project alongside me. I just had many thoughts about how that day was so different than the others, and just compared them. I also did a lot of reminiscing and thought about whats there to come in my future. Overall I just thought a lot about my life both past and future, this project was a really great experience, but if I had a choice to spend another day not using any sort of technology I would probably not spend another day doing this. 

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